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the student has more power here, she can report this to the Principal and get the teacher fired and get him on a watch list
Never mind, my dummkopf ass mis read the thing, its actually a student that's doing this, so you can have him arrested for r@pe
I'm not a misogynist, but I say, why cry when a woman's excuse cuck on you with a man's excuse. I mean, stick a stick up your ass
NTR Army, absolute loyalty to the Party
I feel like I have to catch up with the lore, seeing a lot of angry comments here
No much, Anons are "adults" too
Almost 20k views and no ratings? Bro really fell off.
Hear me out, I fap ntr. I'm a psycho like Bateman
Bateman sounds like someone I would try not get close
fuck ntr
Fuck your mom, fuck your face, and fuck your shitty life for cry about porn
Your face and your little excuse of "cock"
When your bad boy has a cat's fang, you know not to smoke hard and instead dream about that blonde ass on your dick, this is how justice is done in the Soviet Union
I like ntr, but
Plot twist: They fuck the blonde boy hard in the ass while the poor bitch says like Flumpty ''My turn''
And remember, guys. Wait for those Anon faggots to start throwing shit like apes, we will destroy them with the MG 42
of facts:
1. They won't get a bitch in their life
2.Only a schizophrenic cries over drawings.
3. That's not how cheating works, it's more common than your trans mom ovulating. End of Matter.
Sụt giảm trí tuệ và hướng đọc mang tính chất bình thường.
Man this is just sas
Well, I guess this exists now.