To the person asking why buttons mum seems shocked about the pornography, button is clearly in the mother's room as he is sent to HIS room from the first room and when we se Button sleeping he is in a blue bed instead of the red one he was masterbaiting in
I mean... this is pretty fucked up, but we're all here so... what'd we expect? The dick wants what it wants, we're just indulging it. That said... Buttons' mother is pretty fucking hot. Somethingabout her is just so very sexy. Also, incest is rather common amongst horses. In fact there's a much, much lower risk of deformity in horse offspring via incest than just about any other mammal. It's for this reason that many breeders seek out incest between their prized horses, as the risks are surprisingly slim.
Okay what gets me is his mother act like it's such a shock that he's jerking off to porn movies she, how the hell is she shocked he's clearly got a poster of naked in a suggestive position on his wall is she just that dense?
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What the absolute fuck I just wanted fucking V-bucks this is fucking sick.
me rn:
Hasta la vista fuckface.
I want to bleach my eyes after seing this
This is AIDS
what the fuck
this made me want to end it
do it pussy
Ongoing, more like omgonna kill myself
do it
What... what just happened
i see... this is a shitty comic pony porn ima see how fast till i can find rape
Fuck kill my self