Why TF do argonains have tits they are lizards that lay eggs like even the lizard assassin in the dark brotherhood said that he has been trained as a shadow scale sense he HATCHED
Actually argonians are kind of like sharks the baby hatches inside the mother in men is born except for in Black Marsh they lay eggs by the hist pools so the eggs can soak it up but as for why they have tits there is a whole bunch of theories decent amount of them are actually based on a few evolution theories
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Brothers and sisters of skyrim stop gooning or whatever you are doing and fight for the Stormcloaks
why the fuck is zuckerberg here
Not the lizard people
Do you visit the cloud district very often? Oh what am i saying of course you dont..
Well frag me flying...
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On page 10, he looks high af
On page 8, her vagaina looks diffrent then on page 1 and 2.
lightly armored means light on your feet.
I used to be a adventurer like you.
I then took a arrow to the knee.
It wasn't in the knee
Why are you so angry?
Let me guess... someone stole your sweetroll.
Guard might get nervous. When a man approaches with his weapon drawn.
Whoa there watch the magic.
If you wish to join the legion talk to General Tullius.
Why TF do argonains have tits they are lizards that lay eggs like even the lizard assassin in the dark brotherhood said that he has been trained as a shadow scale sense he HATCHED
there is a video I watched one YouTube that went through lore to find out the answer long story short it's for sex appeal
Argonian fans will cum instantly.