The speech bubbles are all wrong on the 2nd page. Sonic is supposed to be speaking first when he says Amy's costume is amazing, but the panel composition and flow makes me read Amy's bubble first.
And don't call that a nitpick! Any good comic worth their salt knows how important it is to make it easy to read. When I have to stop and search around the page to find out where I'm supposed to start reading. That's bad!
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The speech bubbles are all wrong on the 2nd page. Sonic is supposed to be speaking first when he says Amy's costume is amazing, but the panel composition and flow makes me read Amy's bubble first.
And don't call that a nitpick! Any good comic worth their salt knows how important it is to make it easy to read. When I have to stop and search around the page to find out where I'm supposed to start reading. That's bad!
That's gotta ve the most retarded question I've ever heard
of course he does dumbass
yeah no shit sherlock
I don't know what's better: the reference, or the fact that I wasn't the only one who got it.
i just noticed chip's wings are different....
no, I think that is just how they show they those bitches are like hummungbird wings.
why do so many people ha cute lil chip hes so inacent
Chip just saw some REAL DIRTY SHIT.
part 2 pls
Why so big ???
These are all my favorite ships, in one comic. I hope they happen in show, and if you don't like them, fuck you. Find a ship you do like.
Honestly, I don't think these characters could be better with anyone else.
Kill every white cracker you see
Them damn Crackers going with cheese
Don't forget the ham
Shut the fuck up you racist cunt
We all know you angry but you don't have to be a bitch about it
Excuse me what the fuck
shouldn't Sonic be a werehog since the girls are FUCKING WEREHOGS, WEREBATS, AND WERECATS? HONESTLY PEOPLE THINK IT THROUGH!!!!