crikey you can really tell you might be a bit young from just your spelling, yikes. anyway, to answer your question, depends who you ask and the context an background od the discusion.
based off of the idea that multi verse theory is correct, this would mean there is a universe where ponies fapped to this same comic, but with people, this would mean that across all possible universes (an infinite amount might I add) there are an infinite amount of universes where this is wrong, and infinite universes where this is ok, infinity - infinity = infinity
Yes but due to infinite universes you are wrong...there are infinite universe that are the exact same with ponies fapping to a human version of this!,lol.
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What I'd ima furry that's not nearly old enough to see this who exploded and obviously enjoyed this? Do I burn in fine or are in hell?
everyone that watch this aint going to heaven
Dis shit icky
This did not expand dong
How about no
based off of the idea that multi verse theory is correct, this would mean there is a universe where ponies fapped to this same comic, but with people, this would mean that across all possible universes (an infinite amount might I add) there are an infinite amount of universes where this is wrong, and infinite universes where this is ok, infinity - infinity = infinity
in conclusion, in the eyes of science, this is ok
Bros onto something
Holy shit
Yankee with no brim
How the fuck is this legal
Why him?
No brain, I won't read this, you can't make me
The best one
FINALLY! One that isn't weird
I hate this with enough passion to become my own princess
So glad there's a continuation.
furries be gay ngl
No U
Furries definitely be gay a lot tho, nothing against em
I think it said like 1/3 of furries are gay from a study I just barely remember but don’t quote me on that.
Statistics have shown that 1 in 4 furries are strictly straight, while 1 in 5 are strictly gay. the rest generally fall somewhere in between.
furries are fine but ones who enjoyed that comic can burn
Too far